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Institute of High-Performance Manufacturing
来源: 发布人: 时间:2022-03-08 浏览:

I. Overview of the Institute

Led by Academician Dongming Guo and and Zhenyuan Jia, the Institute of High-performance Manufacturing always devotes itself to research and personnel cultivation. In pursuit of unity, dedication, responsibility, innovation and excellence, the Institute has forged a teaching and research team special in the development of precision/ultra-precision/non-traditional processing and testing technologies and instruments of advanced manufacturing, which enjoys good international reputation and influence.

II. Faculty Composition

The Institute currently has 36 faculty members, including 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, one chief scientist of the National Program on Key Basic Research Project (973 Program), 2 recipients of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 3 chair professors of the Changjiang Scholar Incentive Program, 3 leading personnel in scientific and technological innovation of the national "Ten-thousand Talents Plan", 2 title-earners of the Excellent Young Scientists Fund, 2 early-career scholars of the Changjiang Scholar Incentive Program and one Outstanding Teacher in Liaoning Province.

. Research Interest

In order to meet the demand for precision manufacturing of high-end equipment and products in directions like aerospace, aviation, machinery, energy, power, electronic information, the Institute makes continues commitment to the improvement of basic theories, methods and technologies in these fields, such as the processing of complex surfaces, fabrication technologies for composite materials and functional crystal materials, laser ablation/laser based additive manufacturing, and precision metrology, addressing a large number of problems in the precision manufacturing of high-end equipment/products and their key parts. At the same time, the Institute also promotes the formation and development of emerging disciplines like the design and manufacturing of functional structure/surface optimization, intelligent manufacturing and robot technology.

 IV. Scientific Research

Progress has been made in the projects, papers, patents and abilities to undertake major tasks, showing a good trend of upward. Two research achievements, "Precision Manufacturing Technology and Equipment for Complex Curved Parts of Hard and Brittle Materials" and "High-quality and Efficient Processing Technology and Equipment for High-performance Carbon Fiber Composite Components", won the first prize of the State Technological Invention Award in 2008 and 2017 respectively. The Institute has engaged in a number of programs and major engineering projects at national level, such as major/key projects of the Nature Science Foundation of China, projects/tasks of the 973 Program, projects of the National High-tech R&D Program of China (863 Program), major engineering projects of the National Science and Technology Major Project and basic research projects of national defense, with 4 awards at national level and 10 at provincial and ministerial level in science and technology.



Academician Dongming Guo won the first prize of the State Technological Invention Award in 2008

Academician Zhenyuan Jia won the first prize of the State Technological Invention Award in 2017

Professor Zhenyuan Jia won the second prize of the State Technological Invention Award in 2014

Key components originated from the Institute has been applied in the Long March 5 Carrier Rocket.




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