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Institute of Digital Design
来源: 发布人: 时间:2022-03-09 浏览:

I. Introduction of the Institute

The Institute of Digital Design has a faculty of 15, of whom are 6 professors (1 Provincial Outstanding Teacher and 2 Baosteel Excellent Teachers), 6 associate professors and 3 lecturers, with long-term cooperation with Ryerson University in Canada and Aalborg University in Denmark. The Institute features in new-style education of Engineering, forging two high-level courses of Mechanical Principle and Mechanical Design. At the same time, in order to meet Chinas major national strategic needs and keep up with the cutting-edge technologies, the Institute also carries out theory researches and intelligent designs in fields like high-end CNC machine tools, wind turbines, robots and industrial Internet platform.

. Teaching Activities

The Institute is responsible for 12 undergraduate courses, such as Mechanical Principle and Mechanical Design, 4 postgraduate courses, such as Advanced Mechanisms and Theory and Technologies of Mechanical Innovative Design, among which two belong to National-level First-class Courses/MOOC, two belong to Excellent Courses in Liaoning Province. The Institute is in charge of two textbooks of the national 12th Five-Year Plan and led one first prize of Liaoning Provincial Teaching Achievement Award.

. Research Work

In the past 5 years, the Institute has undertaken 12 scientific and technological projects at national level and 4 at provincial and ministerial with a total research fund of 20.23 million yuan. The Institute also engaged in 13 R&D and engineering projects with a total fund of 3.825 million yuan. The Institute has published more than 100 high-level papers on famous international journals like Mechanism and Machine Theory, and International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, with 20 authorized national invention patents and more than 10 software copyrights. Research results of the Institute have been successfully applied to equipment, energy and other fields, achieving important economic and social benefits.

. Research Interest

Digital design of mechanical systems; digital design theory and method of high-grade CNC machine tools; digital design theory and method of wind power equipment, mechanism analysis and synthesis; production mode and lean production mode.

. Pictures

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Address:No. 2, Linggong Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province School of Mechanical Engineering,Dalian University of Technology
Zip code:116023